Article Collection
Title | Short Description | Date | Website |
Building a Real-Time File Monitor with Streamlit | Building a Real-Time File Monitor with Streamlit | 11/23/2024 | |
Form Validation Part 2: Real-Time Validation | Form Validation Part 2: Real-Time Validation | 11/15/2024 | |
Streamlit Form Validation Part 1 | Form Validation Part 1 | 11/11/2024 | |
Streamlit Layouts, Components and Graphs | Layouts, Components and Graphs | 11/6/2024 | |
Advanced SQL Techniques for ETL | ETL Best Practices | 11/3/2024 | |
Introduction to Streamlit Web Applications | Introduction to Streamlit Web Applications | 10/25/2024 | |
PrivateGPT and LlamaIndex: Revolutionizing AI Projects | AI Projects with Private Solutions | 1/19/2024 | |
OpenAI's Latest Developments | Key Points for Your Tech Radar | 11/7/2023 | |
AI-Powered Knowledge Base for Product Managers | Knowledge Management for Product Managers | 8/7/2023 | |
ChatGPT at Scale with Azure Cloud | Azure Cloud Access to ChatGPT | 7/30/2023 | |
Using ChatGPT Chat Function Calls from Java | Integrating ChatGPT functions into Java applications | 7/9/2023 | |
Prompt Engineering: Getting What You Want from ChatGPT | Getting What You Want From ChatGPT Using Chain of Thought | 7/26/2023 | |
Understanding LLM Using Chain of Thoughts | Using Chain of Thoughts for Real-world Use Cases | 7/24/2023 | |
Meta's Llama 2 Threatens Dominance of Other AI Models | Analysis of Llama 2's Impact on AI Models | 7/20/2023 | |
Claude 2: Let the Battle of AI Chatbots Commence | Comparison of AI Chatbot Capabilities | 7/16/2023 | |
Anthropic's Claude Chatbot Gets an Upgrade | Overview of Claude 2's New Features | 5/1/2023 | |
Elon Musk's xAI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence | New Developments in AI from xAI | 2/1/2023 | |
Speeding Up Your AI-Powered Search | Optimizing AI-powered Search Performance | 12/1/2023 | |
Using ChatGPT Embeddings and HyDE | Improving Search with Embeddings and HyDE | 11/1/2023 | |
Tesla AI Future | Tesla's Evolution from EV to AI Company | 10/1/2023 | |
Redefining AI Training | Impacts of OpenAI's Fine-Tuning API | 9/1/2023 | |
Dev Notebook: Mockito Witchcraft | Mockito Testing for Java AI API Client | 8/1/2023 | |
JAI: Java AI Open API Client | Simple and efficient Java client for the Open AI API | 7/1/2023 | |
Developer Notebook: Validating Postal Codes | Postal code validation for US, Canada, and Mexico | 6/21/2023 | |
Developer Notebook: JSONSerializer | Library for JSON serialization with minimal dependencies | 6/21/2023 | |
The Future of AI Transformers | AI and data science overlap in Industry 4.0 | 6/20/2023 | |
JParse: Easy JSON Parsing | Fast JSON parser with events parsing and index overlay | 6/19/2023 | |
Achieve Flow: You and Your Team | Reaching optimal focus and energy state for teams | 6/9/2023 | |
Effective Meetings: More ROI, Less Burnout | Conducting productive meetings with better ROI | 5/9/2023 | |
React Forms with Next.js and TypeScript | Working with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and form validation | 4/9/2022 | |
Drift Control: Automated Testing Infrastructure | Automated testing for infrastructure automation | 12/1/2022 | |
JParse JSON Parser v1.2.0 | Improved floating point parsing speed in JSON parser | 8/1/2022 | |
JParse: Most Efficient JSON Parser for JVM | Most efficient JSON parser for JVM | 7/1/2022 | |
Is Java a Good FP Language? Part 2 | Comparing Basic FP support in Java | 6/1/2022 | |
Comparing Basic FP Support: Part 1 | Basic FP Language Support Comparison | 5/31/2022 | |
Developing Custom Software Configurations | Software configurations in modern version control | 6/12/2020 | |
Istio the Hard Way: Round 2 | Working with Istio Routes/VirtualServices | 4/8/2020 | |
Istio the Hard Way | Comprehensive Istio installation guide | 2/1/2020 | |
Service Mesh Compared | Service Mesh compared to AOP and Servlet Filters | 3/1/2020 | |
Why You Might Need Istio | Benefits of Service Mesh in Microservices | 1/20/2020 | |
Creating Advanced Kafka Producers in Java | Creating advanced Kafka Producers in Java | 11/6/2019 | |
Creating Advanced Kafka Consumers in Java | Creating advanced Kafka Consumers in Java - Part 1 | 11/5/2019 | |
Kafka Tutorial: Writing a Consumer in Java | Creating a simple Kafka Consumer in Java | 11/2/2019 | |
Kafka Tutorial: Writing a Producer in Java | Creating a simple Kafka Producer in Java | 11/1/2019 | |
The Loop Approach | Transforming organization from inside out | 10/29/2019 | |
Kubectl Cheatsheet for Kubernetes | Kubernetes command line tools for Mac/OSX | 10/29/2019 | |
Installing K8s Tools on MacOSX | Installing Kubernetes tools on Mac using brew | 9/15/2019 | |
Ask Rick Anything About Terraform | Comparing infrastructure tools using UFC analogy | 8/15/2019 | |
Achieving Flow | Managing important vs urgent tasks | 5/14/2019 | |
Akka HTTP Client API Notes | Notes on Akka HTTP Client API functionality | 5/6/2018 | |
Notes on Akka Streams | Examples and notes on Akka Streams implementation | 4/15/2018 | |
Actor Request Response in Akka | Working with request response in Akka using futures and ask pattern | 3/15/2018 | |
Kafka Architecture | Overview of Kafka components including Records, Topics, Consumers, Producers, Brokers, Logs, Partitions, and Clusters | 1/27/2018 | |
What is Kafka? | Introduction to Kafka and its adoption by Fortune 500 companies | 1/25/2018 | |
Kafka Tutorial | Comprehensive guide to Kafka architecture with Java examples | 1/24/2018 | |
Kafka Architecture: Log Compaction | Details on Kafka log compaction architecture | 4/26/2018 | |
Spark Cluster Metrics with InfluxDB | Spark cluster setup with InfluxDB metrics | 4/26/2018 | |
Kafka Architecture: Low Level Design | Deep dive into Kafka architecture | 4/26/2018 | |
Kafka Ecosystem | Overview of Kafka Core, Streams, Connect, REST Proxy, and Schema Registry | 4/26/2018 | |
Getting Started with Kafka Cluster Tutorial | Understanding Kafka Failover with command line tools | 3/26/2018 | |
Getting Started with Kafka Tutorial | Getting started with Kafka command line tools | 2/16/2018 | |
Kafka Producer Architecture | Details of Kafka producer partition selection | 2/13/2018 | |
Kafka Consumer Architecture | Understanding Kafka consumer architecture and groups | 2/8/2018 | |
Scala Future/Promise vs Reakt | Comparison of Scala and Reakt Future/Promise implementations | 2/4/2018 | |
Kafka Topic Architecture | Details on Kafka topic replication and failover | 1/4/2018 | |
Akka Futures and Ask Pattern | Working with request response in Akka using futures and ask pattern | 12/4/2017 | |
Adding Docker Compose Support to Akka Microservices | Adding docker and docker compose support to Akka microservices | 11/4/2017 | |
Adding Docker Compose Support: Implementation Guide | Implementation guide for adding docker-compose to Akka services | 9/15/2017 | |
Adding Akka HTTP to Our Example | Setting up Akka HTTP and routes for async actor calls | 8/21/2017 | |
Adding Akka Remoting | Tutorial on setting up Akka with gradle, docker-compose, terraform and AWS | 7/21/2017 | |
Create a Gradle Scala/Akka Project | Guide for building Scala libraries in Gradle | 6/21/2017 | |
Akka on AWS | Setting up Akka with EC2, ECS, Terraform, Packr, Ansible, Gradle | 5/21/2017 | |
Random Thoughts on Teaching Courses Online | Thoughts on teaching technical subjects online | 11/4/2016 | |
Avro Tutorial | Introduction to Apache Avro data serialization system | 11/4/2016 | |
Data Safety in EBS Using Snapshots | Guide to data safety using EBS snapshots | 11/4/2016 | |
AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) | Maximizing value with AWS Elastic Block Store | 11/4/2016 | |
Using CloudWatch Metrics | Reporting OS metrics using CloudWatch | 11/4/2016 | |
Setting Up AWS Log Agent | Configuring log agent for journald logs with CloudWatch | 11/4/2016 | |
Using CloudFormation and Packer | Building DC/OS with immutable infrastructure on AWS | 11/4/2016 | |
Reakt at JavaOne | Introduction to Reakt and QBit Java Microservices | 9/13/2016 | |
Understanding QBit Microservices | Overview of QBit's queue-based architecture | 5/4/2016 | |
Reactive Java Code Examples Using Reakt | Examples of Reakt features and implementation | 5/4/2016 | |
Reactive Java: Overview of Reakt | Introduction to Reakt and its features | 5/4/2016 | |
Creating Your Own Custom Mesos/Docker DSL | Creating custom DSL for config files with Konf | 4/28/2016 | |
Konf: Java Configuration Library | Release notes for Konf configuration library | 4/27/2016 | |
Reakt 2.6.0 Release | Release notes for Reakt library | 4/23/2016 | |
QBit Java Microservices Lib 1.6.0 | Release notes for QBit microservices library | 4/18/2016 | |
Konf: Typed Java Config System | TypeSafe-like config system for Java | 4/10/2016 | |
Introducing Reakt | Reactive interfaces for Java: Promises, Streams, Callbacks, Async results | 4/5/2016 | |
Interview: Reakt Reactive Java Programming | Interview with Rick Hightower about Java Reactive programming and Reakt | 3/1/2016 | |
QBit Microservices Lib 1.5.0 | QBit now supports Reakt invokable promises for client proxies | 2/1/2016 | |
Microservices KPI Monitoring | Discusses service health monitoring in Microservices | 1/1/2016 | |
Reakt 2.0 Released | Introduction to Reakt 2.0 | 1/1/2016 | |
Vert.x 3: Original Reactive Microservice Toolkit | Interview with Tim Fox about Vert.x 3 | 1/1/2016 | |
WebSocket Microservice vs REST | Comparison between WebSocket and REST microservices | 1/1/2016 | |
QBit Microservices with Reactive Streams | Adapting QBit microservice queues to Reactive Streams | 1/1/2016 | |
Micro-batching in QBit | Tuning micro-batches for high-throughput | 12/12/2015 | |
Performance Testing/Tuning QBit | Performance testing and optimization | 12/7/2015 | |
Microservices and Docker | Exploring Microservices and Docker | 11/27/2015 | |
How to Identify if You're Using Microservice Architecture | Checklist for Microservice Architecture | 9/27/2015 | |
What is Microservice Architecture? | Introduction to Microservice Architecture | 8/15/2015 | |
Analytics with Apache Spark: SQL Tutorial | Tutorial on using Spark SQL | 8/1/2015 | |
High Speed Microservices | High-speed microservices architecture | 7/3/2015 | |
Reactive Microservices Architecture Runtime Metrics | Runtime stats in reactive microservices | 7/2/2015 | |
VMware Releases Photon | Introduction to VMware's 'Project Photon' | 7/1/2015 | |
Mobile Applications: Biggest Drive for Microservices | Mobile apps driving microservices adoption | 6/27/2015 | |
Reactive Services Manifesto | Overview of reactive services | 5/27/2015 | |
Java Microservices Architecture | Comprehensive look at Java Microservices | 4/27/2015 | |
Interview with Tim Fox About Vert.x 3 | Vert.x is a reactive, microservices toolkit for the JVM, providing an asynchronous, scalable, concurrent services development model | Jun 22, 2015 | InfoQ |
Introduction to MongoDB for Java, PHP and Python Developers | The need for agile, queryable, reliable, scalable storage without the pain of SQL schema migration is real. This article uses MongoDB to introduce NoSQL concepts | May 22, 2012 | InfoQ |
CouchDB versus Couchbase | Comparison of CouchDB and Couchbase, discussing differences and similarities, featuring interview with James Phillips about the merger of Membase and CouchDB | May 17, 2012 | InfoQ |
IceFaces Ace Forks PrimeFaces for jQuery Support | Coverage of controversy over IceSoft's fork of PrimeFaces, discussing Apache license implications and code copying claims | Feb 16, 2012 | InfoQ |
MySQL Cluster 7.2 Released with 70x Increased Performance | Coverage of MySQL Cluster 7.2 release with NoSQL features including REST, memcached wire protocol, and distributed joins | Feb 15, 2012 | InfoQ |
Apollo 1.0 Released, Next Generation ActiveMQ | Coverage of Apache Apollo 1.0 release, featuring new threading model for multi-core processors and JMS support | Feb 13, 2012 | InfoQ |
JSF 2.x Update from Ed Burns | Interview with Ed Burns about JSF 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, covering Ajax, HTML5 integration, and JSF adoption | Jan 31, 2012 | InfoQ |
Peter Muir discusses CDI | Interview about CDI architecture and capabilities, comparing it to Spring and Guice | Dec 30, 2011 | InfoQ |
Apollo Next Generation Message Queuing Posts Some Impressive Benchmarks | Coverage of Apollo messaging solution benchmarks against RabbitMQ, HornetQ, and ActiveMQ | Not specified | InfoQ |
Adrian Cole Announces JClouds 1.0 Release | Coverage of JClouds 1.0 release providing common interface for managing compute and storage nodes across vendors | Jul 27, 2011 | InfoQ |
Hibernate Object Mapping for NoSQL Datastores | Coverage of Hibernate OGM announcement and interview with Emmanuel Bernard about NoSQL datastores using JPA constructs | Jul 12, 2011 | InfoQ |
Rhino is About to Get a Lot Faster | Coverage of Charles Nutter's work on speeding up the Rhino JavaScript runtime | Jul 1, 2011 | InfoQ |
David Pollak and Dick Wall Discuss Barriers to Scala Adoption | InfoQ catches up with David Pollak and Dick Wall to comment on brouhaha stirring "Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard" post, discussing Scala's future | Oct 4, 2011 | InfoQ |
Heroku gets Scala | Coverage of Heroku's Scala support announcement at JavaOne, partnership with Typesafe | Oct 3, 2011 | InfoQ |
Memcached surpasses EhCache and Coherence in Java Job Demand | Analysis of Memcached's rise in Java development, featuring interview with Spymemcached implementer | Sep 13, 2011 | InfoQ |
JSR-107, JCache: Alive and Going to be Part of Java EE 7 | Coverage of JSR-107's progress and inclusion in Java EE 7, featuring interview with Greg Luck | Aug 31, 2011 | InfoQ |
Grails 2.0 Released with Improved Usability, Class Reloading, and Query DSL | Coverage of Grails 2.0 release, focusing on improved usability and GORM enhancements | Dec 16, 2011 | InfoQ |
Typesafe Stack Adopts Play Framework | Coverage of Play framework's inclusion in Typesafe Stack 2.0 | Dec 8, 2011 | InfoQ |
Latest Happenings and Future of Groovy: 1.8, 2.0 and Beyond | Interview with Guillaume Laforge about Groovy improvements and roadmap | Nov 30, 2011 | InfoQ |
Java Data Grid Specification: JSR-347 | Interview with Manik Surtani about JSR 347 and data grid specifications | Oct 4, 2011 | InfoQ |
Analytics with Apache Spark Tutorial Part 2: Spark SQL | Tutorial on using Spark and Spark SQL with Cassandra | Nov 3, 2015 | DZone |
CDI AOP Tutorial: Java Standard Method Interception Tutorial | Tutorial on CDI based AOP, covering Java standard for dependency injection and interception | May 25, 2011 | DZone |
CDI Dependency Injection - An Introductory Java EE Tutorial Part 1 | Tutorial covering CDI features including type safe annotations configuration and alternatives | Mar 28, 2011 | DZone |
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