Article Collection

Title Short Description Date Website
Building a Real-Time File Monitor with Streamlit Building a Real-Time File Monitor with Streamlit 11/23/2024 LinkedIn
Form Validation Part 2: Real-Time Validation Form Validation Part 2: Real-Time Validation 11/15/2024 LinkedIn
Streamlit Form Validation Part 1 Form Validation Part 1 11/11/2024 LinkedIn
Streamlit Layouts, Components and Graphs Layouts, Components and Graphs 11/6/2024 LinkedIn
Advanced SQL Techniques for ETL ETL Best Practices 11/3/2024 LinkedIn
Introduction to Streamlit Web Applications Introduction to Streamlit Web Applications 10/25/2024 LinkedIn
PrivateGPT and LlamaIndex: Revolutionizing AI Projects AI Projects with Private Solutions 1/19/2024 LinkedIn
OpenAI's Latest Developments Key Points for Your Tech Radar 11/7/2023 LinkedIn
AI-Powered Knowledge Base for Product Managers Knowledge Management for Product Managers 8/7/2023 LinkedIn
ChatGPT at Scale with Azure Cloud Azure Cloud Access to ChatGPT 7/30/2023 LinkedIn
Using ChatGPT Chat Function Calls from Java Integrating ChatGPT functions into Java applications 7/9/2023 LinkedIn
Prompt Engineering: Getting What You Want from ChatGPT Getting What You Want From ChatGPT Using Chain of Thought 7/26/2023 LinkedIn
Understanding LLM Using Chain of Thoughts Using Chain of Thoughts for Real-world Use Cases 7/24/2023 LinkedIn
Meta's Llama 2 Threatens Dominance of Other AI Models Analysis of Llama 2's Impact on AI Models 7/20/2023 LinkedIn
Claude 2: Let the Battle of AI Chatbots Commence Comparison of AI Chatbot Capabilities 7/16/2023 LinkedIn
Anthropic's Claude Chatbot Gets an Upgrade Overview of Claude 2's New Features 5/1/2023 LinkedIn
Elon Musk's xAI: A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence New Developments in AI from xAI 2/1/2023 LinkedIn
Speeding Up Your AI-Powered Search Optimizing AI-powered Search Performance 12/1/2023 LinkedIn
Using ChatGPT Embeddings and HyDE Improving Search with Embeddings and HyDE 11/1/2023 LinkedIn
Tesla AI Future Tesla's Evolution from EV to AI Company 10/1/2023 LinkedIn
Redefining AI Training Impacts of OpenAI's Fine-Tuning API 9/1/2023 LinkedIn
Dev Notebook: Mockito Witchcraft Mockito Testing for Java AI API Client 8/1/2023 LinkedIn
JAI: Java AI Open API Client Simple and efficient Java client for the Open AI API 7/1/2023 LinkedIn
Developer Notebook: Validating Postal Codes Postal code validation for US, Canada, and Mexico 6/21/2023 LinkedIn
Developer Notebook: JSONSerializer Library for JSON serialization with minimal dependencies 6/21/2023 LinkedIn
The Future of AI Transformers AI and data science overlap in Industry 4.0 6/20/2023 LinkedIn
JParse: Easy JSON Parsing Fast JSON parser with events parsing and index overlay 6/19/2023 LinkedIn
Achieve Flow: You and Your Team Reaching optimal focus and energy state for teams 6/9/2023 LinkedIn
Effective Meetings: More ROI, Less Burnout Conducting productive meetings with better ROI 5/9/2023 LinkedIn
React Forms with Next.js and TypeScript Working with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and form validation 4/9/2022 LinkedIn
Drift Control: Automated Testing Infrastructure Automated testing for infrastructure automation 12/1/2022 LinkedIn
JParse JSON Parser v1.2.0 Improved floating point parsing speed in JSON parser 8/1/2022 LinkedIn
JParse: Most Efficient JSON Parser for JVM Most efficient JSON parser for JVM 7/1/2022 LinkedIn
Is Java a Good FP Language? Part 2 Comparing Basic FP support in Java 6/1/2022 LinkedIn
Comparing Basic FP Support: Part 1 Basic FP Language Support Comparison 5/31/2022 LinkedIn
Developing Custom Software Configurations Software configurations in modern version control 6/12/2020 LinkedIn
Istio the Hard Way: Round 2 Working with Istio Routes/VirtualServices 4/8/2020 LinkedIn
Istio the Hard Way Comprehensive Istio installation guide 2/1/2020 LinkedIn
Service Mesh Compared Service Mesh compared to AOP and Servlet Filters 3/1/2020 LinkedIn
Why You Might Need Istio Benefits of Service Mesh in Microservices 1/20/2020 LinkedIn
Creating Advanced Kafka Producers in Java Creating advanced Kafka Producers in Java 11/6/2019 LinkedIn
Creating Advanced Kafka Consumers in Java Creating advanced Kafka Consumers in Java - Part 1 11/5/2019 LinkedIn
Kafka Tutorial: Writing a Consumer in Java Creating a simple Kafka Consumer in Java 11/2/2019 LinkedIn
Kafka Tutorial: Writing a Producer in Java Creating a simple Kafka Producer in Java 11/1/2019 LinkedIn
The Loop Approach Transforming organization from inside out 10/29/2019 LinkedIn
Kubectl Cheatsheet for Kubernetes Kubernetes command line tools for Mac/OSX 10/29/2019 LinkedIn
Installing K8s Tools on MacOSX Installing Kubernetes tools on Mac using brew 9/15/2019 LinkedIn
Ask Rick Anything About Terraform Comparing infrastructure tools using UFC analogy 8/15/2019 LinkedIn
Achieving Flow Managing important vs urgent tasks 5/14/2019 LinkedIn
Akka HTTP Client API Notes Notes on Akka HTTP Client API functionality 5/6/2018 LinkedIn
Notes on Akka Streams Examples and notes on Akka Streams implementation 4/15/2018 LinkedIn
Actor Request Response in Akka Working with request response in Akka using futures and ask pattern 3/15/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Architecture Overview of Kafka components including Records, Topics, Consumers, Producers, Brokers, Logs, Partitions, and Clusters 1/27/2018 LinkedIn
What is Kafka? Introduction to Kafka and its adoption by Fortune 500 companies 1/25/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Tutorial Comprehensive guide to Kafka architecture with Java examples 1/24/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Architecture: Log Compaction Details on Kafka log compaction architecture 4/26/2018 LinkedIn
Spark Cluster Metrics with InfluxDB Spark cluster setup with InfluxDB metrics 4/26/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Architecture: Low Level Design Deep dive into Kafka architecture 4/26/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Ecosystem Overview of Kafka Core, Streams, Connect, REST Proxy, and Schema Registry 4/26/2018 LinkedIn
Getting Started with Kafka Cluster Tutorial Understanding Kafka Failover with command line tools 3/26/2018 LinkedIn
Getting Started with Kafka Tutorial Getting started with Kafka command line tools 2/16/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Producer Architecture Details of Kafka producer partition selection 2/13/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Consumer Architecture Understanding Kafka consumer architecture and groups 2/8/2018 LinkedIn
Scala Future/Promise vs Reakt Comparison of Scala and Reakt Future/Promise implementations 2/4/2018 LinkedIn
Kafka Topic Architecture Details on Kafka topic replication and failover 1/4/2018 LinkedIn
Akka Futures and Ask Pattern Working with request response in Akka using futures and ask pattern 12/4/2017 LinkedIn
Adding Docker Compose Support to Akka Microservices Adding docker and docker compose support to Akka microservices 11/4/2017 LinkedIn
Adding Docker Compose Support: Implementation Guide Implementation guide for adding docker-compose to Akka services 9/15/2017 LinkedIn
Adding Akka HTTP to Our Example Setting up Akka HTTP and routes for async actor calls 8/21/2017 LinkedIn
Adding Akka Remoting Tutorial on setting up Akka with gradle, docker-compose, terraform and AWS 7/21/2017 LinkedIn
Create a Gradle Scala/Akka Project Guide for building Scala libraries in Gradle 6/21/2017 LinkedIn
Akka on AWS Setting up Akka with EC2, ECS, Terraform, Packr, Ansible, Gradle 5/21/2017 LinkedIn
Random Thoughts on Teaching Courses Online Thoughts on teaching technical subjects online 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Avro Tutorial Introduction to Apache Avro data serialization system 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Data Safety in EBS Using Snapshots Guide to data safety using EBS snapshots 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) Maximizing value with AWS Elastic Block Store 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Using CloudWatch Metrics Reporting OS metrics using CloudWatch 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Setting Up AWS Log Agent Configuring log agent for journald logs with CloudWatch 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Using CloudFormation and Packer Building DC/OS with immutable infrastructure on AWS 11/4/2016 LinkedIn
Reakt at JavaOne Introduction to Reakt and QBit Java Microservices 9/13/2016 LinkedIn
Understanding QBit Microservices Overview of QBit's queue-based architecture 5/4/2016 LinkedIn
Reactive Java Code Examples Using Reakt Examples of Reakt features and implementation 5/4/2016 LinkedIn
Reactive Java: Overview of Reakt Introduction to Reakt and its features 5/4/2016 LinkedIn
Creating Your Own Custom Mesos/Docker DSL Creating custom DSL for config files with Konf 4/28/2016 LinkedIn
Konf: Java Configuration Library Release notes for Konf configuration library 4/27/2016 LinkedIn
Reakt 2.6.0 Release Release notes for Reakt library 4/23/2016 LinkedIn
QBit Java Microservices Lib 1.6.0 Release notes for QBit microservices library 4/18/2016 LinkedIn
Konf: Typed Java Config System TypeSafe-like config system for Java 4/10/2016 LinkedIn
Introducing Reakt Reactive interfaces for Java: Promises, Streams, Callbacks, Async results 4/5/2016 LinkedIn
Interview: Reakt Reactive Java Programming Interview with Rick Hightower about Java Reactive programming and Reakt 3/1/2016 LinkedIn
QBit Microservices Lib 1.5.0 QBit now supports Reakt invokable promises for client proxies 2/1/2016 LinkedIn
Microservices KPI Monitoring Discusses service health monitoring in Microservices 1/1/2016 LinkedIn
Reakt 2.0 Released Introduction to Reakt 2.0 1/1/2016 LinkedIn
Vert.x 3: Original Reactive Microservice Toolkit Interview with Tim Fox about Vert.x 3 1/1/2016 LinkedIn
WebSocket Microservice vs REST Comparison between WebSocket and REST microservices 1/1/2016 LinkedIn
QBit Microservices with Reactive Streams Adapting QBit microservice queues to Reactive Streams 1/1/2016 LinkedIn
Micro-batching in QBit Tuning micro-batches for high-throughput 12/12/2015 LinkedIn
Performance Testing/Tuning QBit Performance testing and optimization 12/7/2015 LinkedIn
Microservices and Docker Exploring Microservices and Docker 11/27/2015 LinkedIn
How to Identify if You're Using Microservice Architecture Checklist for Microservice Architecture 9/27/2015 LinkedIn
What is Microservice Architecture? Introduction to Microservice Architecture 8/15/2015 LinkedIn
Analytics with Apache Spark: SQL Tutorial Tutorial on using Spark SQL 8/1/2015 LinkedIn
High Speed Microservices High-speed microservices architecture 7/3/2015 LinkedIn
Reactive Microservices Architecture Runtime Metrics Runtime stats in reactive microservices 7/2/2015 LinkedIn
VMware Releases Photon Introduction to VMware's 'Project Photon' 7/1/2015 LinkedIn
Mobile Applications: Biggest Drive for Microservices Mobile apps driving microservices adoption 6/27/2015 LinkedIn
Reactive Services Manifesto Overview of reactive services 5/27/2015 LinkedIn
Java Microservices Architecture Comprehensive look at Java Microservices 4/27/2015 LinkedIn
Interview with Tim Fox About Vert.x 3 Vert.x is a reactive, microservices toolkit for the JVM, providing an asynchronous, scalable, concurrent services development model Jun 22, 2015 InfoQ
Introduction to MongoDB for Java, PHP and Python Developers The need for agile, queryable, reliable, scalable storage without the pain of SQL schema migration is real. This article uses MongoDB to introduce NoSQL concepts May 22, 2012 InfoQ
CouchDB versus Couchbase Comparison of CouchDB and Couchbase, discussing differences and similarities, featuring interview with James Phillips about the merger of Membase and CouchDB May 17, 2012 InfoQ
IceFaces Ace Forks PrimeFaces for jQuery Support Coverage of controversy over IceSoft's fork of PrimeFaces, discussing Apache license implications and code copying claims Feb 16, 2012 InfoQ
MySQL Cluster 7.2 Released with 70x Increased Performance Coverage of MySQL Cluster 7.2 release with NoSQL features including REST, memcached wire protocol, and distributed joins Feb 15, 2012 InfoQ
Apollo 1.0 Released, Next Generation ActiveMQ Coverage of Apache Apollo 1.0 release, featuring new threading model for multi-core processors and JMS support Feb 13, 2012 InfoQ
JSF 2.x Update from Ed Burns Interview with Ed Burns about JSF 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, covering Ajax, HTML5 integration, and JSF adoption Jan 31, 2012 InfoQ
Peter Muir discusses CDI Interview about CDI architecture and capabilities, comparing it to Spring and Guice Dec 30, 2011 InfoQ
Apollo Next Generation Message Queuing Posts Some Impressive Benchmarks Coverage of Apollo messaging solution benchmarks against RabbitMQ, HornetQ, and ActiveMQ Not specified InfoQ
Adrian Cole Announces JClouds 1.0 Release Coverage of JClouds 1.0 release providing common interface for managing compute and storage nodes across vendors Jul 27, 2011 InfoQ
Hibernate Object Mapping for NoSQL Datastores Coverage of Hibernate OGM announcement and interview with Emmanuel Bernard about NoSQL datastores using JPA constructs Jul 12, 2011 InfoQ
Rhino is About to Get a Lot Faster Coverage of Charles Nutter's work on speeding up the Rhino JavaScript runtime Jul 1, 2011 InfoQ
David Pollak and Dick Wall Discuss Barriers to Scala Adoption InfoQ catches up with David Pollak and Dick Wall to comment on brouhaha stirring "Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard" post, discussing Scala's future Oct 4, 2011 InfoQ
Heroku gets Scala Coverage of Heroku's Scala support announcement at JavaOne, partnership with Typesafe Oct 3, 2011 InfoQ
Memcached surpasses EhCache and Coherence in Java Job Demand Analysis of Memcached's rise in Java development, featuring interview with Spymemcached implementer Sep 13, 2011 InfoQ
JSR-107, JCache: Alive and Going to be Part of Java EE 7 Coverage of JSR-107's progress and inclusion in Java EE 7, featuring interview with Greg Luck Aug 31, 2011 InfoQ
Grails 2.0 Released with Improved Usability, Class Reloading, and Query DSL Coverage of Grails 2.0 release, focusing on improved usability and GORM enhancements Dec 16, 2011 InfoQ
Typesafe Stack Adopts Play Framework Coverage of Play framework's inclusion in Typesafe Stack 2.0 Dec 8, 2011 InfoQ
Latest Happenings and Future of Groovy: 1.8, 2.0 and Beyond Interview with Guillaume Laforge about Groovy improvements and roadmap Nov 30, 2011 InfoQ
Java Data Grid Specification: JSR-347 Interview with Manik Surtani about JSR 347 and data grid specifications Oct 4, 2011 InfoQ
Analytics with Apache Spark Tutorial Part 2: Spark SQL Tutorial on using Spark and Spark SQL with Cassandra Nov 3, 2015 DZone
CDI AOP Tutorial: Java Standard Method Interception Tutorial Tutorial on CDI based AOP, covering Java standard for dependency injection and interception May 25, 2011 DZone
CDI Dependency Injection - An Introductory Java EE Tutorial Part 1 Tutorial covering CDI features including type safe annotations configuration and alternatives Mar 28, 2011 DZone

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